Wednesday, January 9, 2008

TIUs: Thoughtless Individuals in Uniform

I've decided that after 17 years in military service, there are quite a few Thoughtless Individuals in Uniform. There are educated TIUs, mind you, but TIUs still the same. The worst sort of TIU is one who has gained power by virtue of rank. TIUs are recognized by actions, not words. The most clever of TIUs are those who speak with a forked-tongue... watch out for these sorts!

A TIU may exhibit the following characteristics, wholly or in combination:
  • TIU Boss: Tends to give last minute "important" tasks to subordinates at the end of the day or week but leaves promptly at 1630 or earlier. Does not keep up with email communications and wastes time by requesting information or resends of emails because he/she didn't keep up with previous emails. Brings children to work but does not like it when subordinates might have to do the same. Climbs the corporate ladder without giving appropriate credit to subordinate for their contributions.
  • TIU Ladder Climber: Throws peers and subordinates under the bus.
  • TIU pseudo-family man/woman: Uses excuse that child is ill or child has a field trip (or some such excuse) to be out of the office with little to no warning to coworkers or boss.