Saturday, September 29, 2007

What's a MEL? (or what's in a name...)

After commiserating over several possible blog names and coming down with basically squat, Texapina's MEL will have to do.
Virtual aside: My better half came up with the name for our blog, sandandtsunamis, a couple of years ago...I'll never be able to meet his level of creativity. But heck, marriage isn't a competition, right? Check out the sandandtsunamis blog for a look at Hubby's written and photographic work...he's pretty awesome! You'll see the photo above in the archives as it's taken on Hubby's camera by a fellow Fuji-san hiker who spoke pretty darn good English.

What's a MEL? Besides being my nickname (short for Melody), MEL stands for Main Events List in the world of acronyms. The "events" in this MEL will be a motley list because as things pop up in life as they always do, I'll try to present them here.
Virtual aside: My 2nd grade teacher once commented on the back of a progress report card that I was bright but lacked creativity...30+ years later, I have to agree with her. Granted my MEL is wholly personal, so bear with me. One man's trash is another's treasure and so on.

Although I'm a poor daily diarist, hopefully I'll turn out to be a bit better blogger. (I find typing on a keyboard to be much more efficient than taking pen to paper, although I'm a big fan of snail mail from friends and family vice email...)
I hope you'll stick with me... see you next post!

1 comment:

Dave and Melody said...

I saw that same report card...I had to laugh, knowing her as I do now.