Friday, October 3, 2008

Pregnancy cramps suck

Okay, I am now 29 weeks pregnant and finally admitting it on the blog. I haven't slept through the night in months, literally since the 1st trimester. I've probably seen every rerun of late night TNT or SPIKE TV's CSI: Miami, CSI NY, Cold Case and Without a Trace. Tonight was slightly different than the others.

I've started sleeping in the living room, in David's comfy leather chair. It's too hard to get comfortable sleeping in the bed or even on the couch now and I discovered that I can fall asleep sitting up, propped up by a few pillows with my feet up on an ottoman. Of course, I'm up a few times throughout the night to go to the bathroom.

Tonight, I fell asleep immediately after the Vice Presidential debate and woke up nearly 3 hours later with a charley horse in my right calf and a wicked cramp in my left shin. TEARS PAIN TEARS PAIN... OMG what will childbirth be like???

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